Is violence the best way to correct injustice in the society?

From the word go, violent has never given birth to a good child. Violent is like adding salt to an injury.

Since one can never fight fire with fire and get a good result, so using violence to solve any injustice is in itself a counterproductive.

unfortunately this has been the method used by so many people, groups and society to solve problems or correct injustice and these always brings no problem.  

Violence: concepts and examples

What is violence?
Violence is a complex concept. 

Violence is often understood as the use or threat of force that can result in injury, harm, deprivation or even death. It may be physical, verbal or psychological. 

The World Health Organisation (WHO) defines violence as "intentional use of physical force or power, threatened or actual, against oneself, another person, or against a group or community, that either results in or has a high likelihood of resulting in injury, death, psychological harm, maldevelopment or deprivation". 

Promoting Violence as a means of correcting injustice is not the good way of stopping injustice.

If using violence is not the better way of stopping Injustice, when then is the better way?

Demanding Accountability from those in the authority, demanding transparency and inclusivity and Healthy conversations all these months will make those in the authorities to think twice before they take decisions that's is against will of the majority.

It's not out of place for the community subjects to ask their leaders to include them in their decision making, doing these will give them a sense of belonging, and will bring unity with less rancho.

Gone are the days when the leaders only are the only people taking decisions for the matters concerning the communities. 

Let the leaders in every Community knows that their subjects opinions matters slot because nobody has a monopoly of knowledge.

Let the Subjects especially the youths know that taking laws in to their hands as a way of showing their displeasure is even worse than the injustice they are even trying to correct.

For nobody has ever solve problem with more problems.

Thank You.


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