How to Protest your Social Media Account.
Secure Your Social Media Account Now before it's too Late . Social Media as become a second home to many, many virtually do everything on social media, from connecting with family and friends, to doing business, like buying and selling, banking and saving to working and even getting paid, the numbers of what we can do online is endless. Because of the Important of virtual world to our lives. We need to be Intentional on keeping them safe from Intruders. To many; their virtual office or social media accounts is most important then their physical office or house. In a physical office or home, it's what the intruder can see in the house or office at that time they broke in that they will make away with. But in your virtual office; the lost can be unquantifiable. For the past two weeks now, some Intruders have been making frantic efforts to brake into my Facebook account. The last attempt was that of 17th of November when the nitwit hack in to my cousin Account and use it ...