12 Habits You Need to Let Go fo Your Personal Growth in 2024
In live one need to take stock of whatever he or she is doing, How far so far. From January to December, you have been doing that business: be it buying and selling, white culler or blue culler job, professional jobs like mechanical engineering, teaching, artisan, self employed or name it. We all need evaluation from time to time, so as to be able to do away with some habits that unknowingly hinders our progress. What is Self-evaluation . Self-evaluation is the process of assessing one's own performance or progress in a particular area or task. It involves reflecting on one's strengths and weaknesses, identifying areas for improvement, and setting goals for future growth. When conducting a self-evaluation, it is important to be honest and objective. It is also helpful to gather feedback from others, such as peers, supervisors, or mentors, to gain different perspectives on one's performance. In terms of self-evaluation, I would say that I am strong in my ability to set goal...